101 Reasons To Stay;

click kitties! <3

LAST UPDATE : 29/8/2021

click picture below!! <3


1. to love and to be loved
2. to get the job you always wanted
3. to fulfill all the promises you made
4. to prove them you can
5. rainbows
6. really really soft pillows
7. to apologised to everyone u hurt
8. watching people trips over small object
9. goes to a very long and far holiday with your favorite ones
10. long hot hot showers
11. finding your fav book
12. getting ur first paid
13. dyed ur hair in crazy colour
14. your favorite films starting a new one
15. so many places to discover
16. falling in love
17. deep talks and late night drive
18. hugging the person you havent seen in a while
19. airports at night
20. hot chocolate on cold days
21. running in a field full of flowers
22. stargazing with your fav
23. concerts
24. meeting ur fav idol
25. you still have gifts to give and receive
26. new musics
27. all the good people you havent meet yet
28. travelling the world
29. rules to break
30. to help someone
31. smiling at strangers
32. really good movie
33. going to the zoo
34. getting letters
35. laughing so hard you cry
36. hotel beds
37. sleepover with your cousins
38. painting on a canvas
39. singing in the car alone or with your bestfriends
40. getting good results
41. nutella
42. happy and sad music
43. blowing bubbles
44. comfy scarves
45. ice cream
46. silence that isnt awkward
47. ducklings
48. trying new starbucks menu
49. finding money in your pocket
50. overcoming your fears
51. laying in the grass and watching clouds pass by
52. fuzzy socks!
53.apple's next phone
54. movie marathon!!
55. sitting on rooftop
56. bonfires!! ( you’re gonna miss smores so bad )
57. you might win the lottery
58. try food u never taste
59. sleeping in all day
60. finishing a good book
61. beach day
62. all the posters you can put on your walls
63. to make others feel accepted
64. to accept yourself
65. baby turtles
66. old bookstores
67. finding a new favourite quotes
68. the smell of the rain
69. the smell of freshly baked goods
70. sitting at the top of your car looking up at the clouds
71. getting handwritten letters in the mail
72. halloween
73. clean sheets
74. the first snow of the winter
75. petting puppies
76. city lights
77. late night walks
78. building forts
79. smiling in the middle of a kiss
80. people care about you
81. you are important
82. suspenders
83. thunder storms
84. having kids if you want
85. getting hickies
86. sunrises
87. when a baby holds on to one of your fingers with its whole hand
88. going to comic con
89. kind strangers
90. bowties
91. tree houses
92. paint fights
93. solo dance parties in your room
94. graduating
95. long drives
96. being awake when everyone else is asleep
97. eye sex
98. smiling at strangers
99. onesies
100. you could save someone’s life
101. your favorite tv shows getting a new season

and more...

i will add more from time to time, i hope you know how important you are to me and to many people. you are loved and very worthy

credit picture to; @HAM_gae on twt



-take care of yourself: shower, wash your face, brush your teeth. make sure youre eating well and get some sunlight too.

-get a rest: if you feel tired, take a rest and sleep, or u can do things that make u feel happy and good, your works can wait until tomorrow, your mental health come first

-avoid negative things: if u feel like things you usually doing is draining your energy, take a rest or just drop it, such as if u feel tired using social medias, give it a rest and try new things like painting, singing, dancing and even make video edits

-practice relaxation techniques: daily relaxation practice can help relieve symptoms of depression, reduce stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being. Try yoga, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.

-socialising: if u can, try to socialise with positive people, have a long deep talk and maybe tell your problems to them if u can, if u cant try talk about things you love to do such as painting and more, or you can even talk about random things!

since a lot of things is going on right now, please remember that you are loved, and very very worthy, i know you are strong



1. Listen to soothing music
2. Cuddle with pets
3. Eat your favorite snack or have a cup of tea
4. Take a long walk
5. Exercise
6. Do yoga
7. Play some sports
8. Read a book or magazine
9. Writing and journaling
10. Play video games
11. stream golden,better,walls,lp1 and heartbreak weather
12.take a nap
13. reach to the one you trust
14. watch your favorite tv shows, anime, movies, and videos


some links to distract yourself!